Saturday, March 28, 2020

My views on Ed-Tech

It was great sharing my views on Education technology with  
It was my privilege to find place in his website : Coffee with Geek

Watch my video interview

Self graded quiz using Google forms

Dear educators

We are all facing challenges raised by COVID-19. Schools and higher education institutions are facing unprecedented needs to close their physical classrooms and  millions of students lose access to learning.

We as an educators are trying our best to keep our classrooms connected, so that learning doesn’t stop.Many of us are exploring remote learning technologies to connect to students like Zoom meeting , Google classroom, Microsoft teams etc.and even What’s app . Many educators are making video lectures to be shared with their students.

I am sharing a tool (Google Forms) which will help you to know the understanding level of students after they watch your video. It can be given as an assignment to students after you complete a particular chapter or topic.
This tool will help your students to prepare for objective type questions like Fill in the blanks , MCQ’s , True/False , Matching etc.

You can watch the video to learn the step by step instructions to make and use this tool in your teaching .

I hope ,you will find this useful.Thanks .

Demo 5

Instructions for Quiz:  Read each question carefully.  Select the correct answer by clicking the radio button next to it.  After attempting,...