Sunday, December 13, 2020

Cybersecurity Infographics every educator should refer


Dear educators

Due to the threat faced by COVID 19 pandemic, almost all educational institutions in all the countries shifted to an online mode for teaching.

This shift to online learning presents various security threats to teachers, learners as well as their parents as they are now more prone to cyber-attacks than before. Recent reports show a spike in cybercrime since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, making cybersecurity a key concern for educators.

I recently did Cybersecurity Training for Teachers course at MOOCs for Development platform.

I really liked the way this course was designed. I especially liked the infographics shared on various topics of Cybersecurity which summaries various topics that we educators should know to keep ourselves and our students safe online.

I am sharing those infographics for benefit of all. Feel free to use them and share them if you want

Click on the image below to see FULL view

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Create online Jeopardy Games for you class


Dear educators

Jeopardy quiz format allows questions of different difficulty levels to be set for different points. The higher the points, the higher will be the difficulty level of questions.

You can create your own Jeopardy quiz using PowerPoint template available online: CLICK HERE 


You can create a customized jeopardy template without PowerPoint?

The games you make can be played online from anywhere in the world. Building your own jeopardy template is very easy. Just use our simple editor to get your game up and running.

You can create online Jeopardy Games for your students using  CLICK HERE

Check the sample of online jeopardy game made by me

This is made for students of class 11 Accountancy subject 

Want to play in full-screen mode: CLICK HERE


Saturday, December 5, 2020

Want to master Google and other technology tools used in education

 Dear educators 

You can watch the videos of three days of educational technology workshops in multiple languages across the Asia-Pacific Region, live on YouTube. Experience a wide range of sessions facilitated by educators, for educators.

Be a good digital citizen

  I have created an interactive Infographic using an online tool “Genially “( Link )   It is a clickable infographic on “Be a good digital c...